Thursday, May 24, 2007

Random thoughts...

The Lost finale has me all confuzzled and excited and I can’t concentrate on work today. Future Jack all bearded and crazy? That’s awesome. Unfortunately future Jack was still hung up on future Kate which sort of wrecks my hope that Kate gets killed on the island and Jack ends up with Juliet. I did have a little aww moment when Jack told Kate he loved her though so maybe I’m not so anti-Kate after all. When Sawyer told Hurley he couldn’t go with them because he was too fat I almost cried. It was such a sad After School Special moment. But then Hurley saved the day! Yay! And then Sayid broke some guys neck with his feet! Sayid is awesome. And Jack beat up Ben and Locke tried to kill Jack and Charlie drowned and Penny called and some dude is either going to save everybody or kill everybody and some future person died and no one cared and it was the best finale this year easily. Maybe the best Lost episode ever. And now I have to wait until January for another one.

Lost and Heroes are the only shows on tv that I don’t read spoilers for and I end up enjoying them so much more. I’m going to try to remain spoiler-free for all shows from now on. Even the reality ones. I gave up fast food so surely I can give up spoilers.

I think I can officially say that I gave up fast food. I’ve tried several times in the past but this time it’s been since November and I don’t even consider it as an option anymore so I think it’s going to stick. I used to eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner some days so it was a pretty big deal to stop. Now I have to figure out a way to get rid of all the weight that eating it put on me. Stupid fast food. It’s what they serve in Hell, I’m sure of it.

I’m going to see Liza Minelli this weekend. I got the tickets for free. I have no idea what I’m in for but at least I can say I saw Liza Minelli once.

I really don’t like Elizabeth Hasselback and I love that Alicia Silverstone snubbed her. I wish everyone would snub her. I decided to quit watching The View because Elizabeth annoys the bejeezus out of me but if I could be assured of a daily snubbing of her I would start watching again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot!